is there a ground off of the negative of the battery? SOrry if it may be a dumb question but im a little bit amateur when it comes to this stuff. We checked the main ground bolted to the right of the engine block to the frame and it was clean as a whistle... let me know
another quick not that when the boat is on the voltage meter is at 13 volts. there seems to be ample power. Is there any other ground what so ever. It seems that all the dash is doing some wonky stuff , prefect pass, key pad not punching in etc.210 SANTE
hi ej,
I never got this solved but right now it is at the doctors getting fixedI will let you know this instant I have any news. Boat just clicks. I am seriously wondering at this point if it is a faulty battery. Its only 2 seasons old and my voltmeter reads over 13.
I will keep you posted ...210 SANTE
Hi All,
After losing half of my last summer I have fixed the issue. And sure enough many of you were correct ...
I checked everything A-Z from fuses to connections to battery etc. I Even tried boosting it directly from my brothers truck. ALl my guages were perfect like yours.
Before i got everything winterized they checked into for me at the dealership and it happened to be corrosion in the negative cable (red one) close to the battery that I couldn't see.
I hope this helps any other fellow members with the same problem.
The best way to find problems like this is to measure the voltage drop in the cables.
This site does a really good of explaining voltage drop, and how to measure it.