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Probably not going to happen. I broke one of the bolts in mine a couple years ago and no machine shop would touch it. The bolt is too hard try and drill out without damaging the manifold. I was told it could be done but there was a better chance of damaging, then you'd be stuck paying for the labor of drilling it out and having to buy a new manifold. So I bought a new exhaust manifold from SkiDIM.
\'95 SN Signature Ed.
PP Stargaze
**For Sale**
I snapped a riser bolt in the process of replacing the gaskets and could not extract or drill it out - ended up having to get a new riser. I replaced all the bolts given how corroded they were and put never-seize on the new bolts. If you get a new riser, be sure to remove the paint on the gasket surface prior to installation.
You can drill it out. You need to find a couple different size reverse drill bits. Find a bit to flatten out the bolt. Tap the center and reverse drill starting small then get a little bigger. It will come out as soon as you get a good hole going. Usually one side will break off and you can take the other side out with a pick. Be careful not to get into the threads with the drill bit. It's not that hard just go slow and be patient.