Has anyone put on or seen the pre 2007 210 hull with the griffin or wing graphics?
The stock decals are very expensive and most pre 2007 boats have the swoosh color sceme that wouldnt look good with the crest or wing graphics. You would be better off doing a wrap. There is a old hull boat on this site with the new style chromax "Super Air Nautique" decals and I though it looked real nice.
Photoshop Magic - New Graphics Old Hull 95 Super Sport
Just to see what they would look like, I photoshopped some newer graphics on my 95. I have a local print house that can cut them for me for $9.75 sq. ft (about $125 per side).... if I supply them the art... I made a vector art file for the shield logo... New the decals kit runs $500+ per side... Just for fun to see what it would look like.. If you want me to photoshop anything on your boat, post a side image and I will add that graphic. I also photoshopped the tower... haha