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I did mine myself in 2.5%. Most will say that is too dark, and they are right for most people... But I'm not most people. I don't suggest going any darker than 20% as glare will be an issue when the sun is out and seeing through the glass during darker times will be an issue as well. It seems there are varying prices for shops to do it as it is difficult to manage the large curves. A good installer should be able to take care of it though.
In the end the tint will look better on some boats than others because of the color scheme. Darker tint looks better on darker boats. Example below...
i guess i should have responded with my original post and mention that 20% would be the lowest i'd go. i have had 20% on my car and 5% on my truck. you can't even see in my truck in broad daylight; even through the untinted front windshield. if i was forced to do it i'd go with 30 or 35. and 100$ sounds right.
I would tend to agree, but because the area is not enclosed, the 5% is not really dark. I am glad I chose 5% because I rode in several boat with 30-35% and it was really light.
Also, my boat is Black and white, so having the 5% makes the glass look black from a distance which compliments the black hull.
Either way you go, tint is definitely worth it for sun protection.
Gone - 2008 Air Nautique SV-211 Team Ed - Death by Fire