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I just got my tower back from the powder coater and I can't find my notes on how far apart to remount my flight clips. Does anyone have a boat hand to measure for me? Thanks.
2001 Super Air Nautique
Python Powered
100 Amp Alternator
Dual Batteries
Many upgrades coming...
I just got my tower back from the powder coater and I can't find my notes on how far apart to remount my flight clips. Does anyone have a boat hand to measure for me? Thanks.
What year is the tower...it might make a difference
Are your Flight Clips attached to the tower with clamps that go around the bar they attach to, or were that mounted with holes drilled through the bar?
On boats that had the holes drilled through the bar, we used a template that just sat over the bar, and drilled four 1/4 inch holes through both sides. Then the inner hole was drilled out to 3/4 inch. The clips were then bolted to the bar, and finally, plastic caps were put into the 3/4 holes, and secured with a little RTV "silicone Seal"
The flight clips were mounted so that one boot of the inner wakeboard put in them was between the two vertical tubes in the tower, and the other boot was in front of the tower.
The bindings on my wake board are about 20 1/2 inches apart, on center.
Since you have the oval clamp type, I would just wait until you get the boat, wakeboards, and the unmounted clamps together, and mount them for best fit with your wake boards.