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I had a 93 SN too, I slip on the bow and put a knee into the windshield one summer. It was like $1200 to get one through the dealer. Then I went to a glass company and they could do plexiglass for $100 bucks. I wanted a quick, cheap fix, being in college plus not wanting to give up the boat even for a day. I figured even if it hazed up and scratched (which it did) I could buy a new one every year for the life of the boat!
Long story short, got a plexi-glass, replaced it with a new piece when I sold the boat. Buyer didn't care. (the buyer who asked if he could tube off the extended pylon...a sad day indeed...)
Hawktique is correct. The glass is flat- any glass shop should be able to cut you a tempered piece to fit your frame.
If you damaged your frame, then thats another story... do whatever you can to salvage your old one as a new one will either be impossible to find, or super expensive (or more likely, both).