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OK now I'm confused. So I need to go get a couple KEGS, put an additive in it (maybe GREEN for ST. P) and hook it up to the motor? Just kidding. Argue nice you two, nobody on the site wants to see one of you sleeping on the couch.
Joking aside - thanks for the tips. Not siding either way, but I have been using an additive in all my boats and notcied a difference. I think we are going to get the boat out in 2 weeks and will run a couple tests then. Well do some reporting then.
I really prefer the PCM EFI motors. Push the button and they start up.
I suspect the carb is your major issue, if it is water in the fuel it's going to fall on it's face at speed some times and it seems like yours is more of an idle issue. But if you crusing along and all of the sudden it starts missing out and then clears out and runs normal then that is water in the fuel typically.. givin that the vent and anti/siphon valve are know to be clear and the tune is right.
I would suggest you start with checking the base idle and make sure it's in the 600 rpm range then set your timing to spec, then tweek the idle mixture screws as discriped earlier. Run some seafoam through the gas tank and that should clean the carb out if there is some varnish or junk in it from lay-up or non-use.
But I personally would focus on the timing first and verify the mechanical advance is working correctly as well if it's hanging up then that can cause the not wanting to idle issue after running at speed and then slowing down.
Another thing you should check is to make sure the float isn't too high, if after running the boat and then you throttle back and turn it off, pull the flame arrestor look down the throat of the carb and if you see fuel dripping then the float is set too high and needs lower. This will cause a flooding issue and hard to start problem.
but start with the easy stuff then we can get to the harder things once you know the basics are in order.
Was it the 80's, for sure? I think it was earlier.
More than likely 79.... Positive, actually.
Ha ha ha ha ha.
i believe it's been around since before 1976 actually, not sure exactly what year it showed up in my home state but it's been in the gas ever since I've been driving and that's almost thirty years now.
We still might get a new Eddlebrook, there is another Flighty at the marina with a NON standard Eddlebrook that runs 3 MPH faster. P*SS us off.
Sounds to me you should have bought the other boat at your marina...just kidding....
Here are my thoughts on this matter....
Get yourselves a fuel filter that has a glass/see-thru bottom and take out the guesswork as to whether or not you are suffering from water in the fuel each weekend....that will run you about $25 for the 1st filter and afterwards less $$$ with just the replacement filters each time you change them out...
Next would be to remove your current carb and take it apart and look for water somehere in it....it is possible that there may be water lodged in it...a rebuild kit is not that expensive and isnt that hard to do if you or your partner are mechanically inclined..
New marine carbs are expensive, and if you switch to the edelbrock (or any different carb than stock), you may have to deal with a "Choke" issue that has a different confirguration as your stock carb.... Also swithing to a different carb than your stock carb may cause you to have different top and/or bottom end results....if this is the case and you switch out your carb and it changes the torque curve, you may have to spend money and time playing around and changing out propellors to get your barefoot boat dialed back in...