I'm trying to find out what is the best way to run battery cable for a dual battery setup in my 2002 SAN. I plan on following RainDog's DIY and cut out a battery box under the starboard side rear seat, similar to the way the one currently exists under the port side rear seat. My question to those of you who have dual batteries laid out in this manner is, what is the safest way to run the cables so I can avoid the potential for ignition and/or water intrusion? I plan on having a VSR and switch under the port-side seat. If you see the attached pic, you'll notice my problem--the fuel tank is essentially between the two battery boxes, and I don't think running the cables into the bilge is the best idea either. Any other ideas?
Can't you put the 2nd battery up front under the cushion on that same side as the rear?
I could, but there's two reasons why I shy away from that option:
1) A couple hundred $ for cables to run that far up front, plus long runs are not as efficient
2) Since there's no wrap-around seating on the starboard side and the starting battery is already on the port side, I want to try and keep the weight as evenly distributed as possible.
In 2002, and 2003, batteries were moved around and changed quite often. I recall some Super airs had the second battery just where you suggested, and the switch to combine or isolate the batteries just aft of the starboard battery, still under the seat. Secure the battery cable out of the way.
Daniel--what's the best way to do that? Do I run any risk of ignition if the coated part of the cable crosses near the gas filler hose? Sorry, I'm not the best with electrical and just want to be safe in how I do it. My assumption is that I'll need the cables to cross the center just behind where the gas tank is in order to connect to the switch/VSR. Thanks!
To be honest, I really do not remember all the details on how the cable was ran. You can use nylon ty-wraps to secure the new cable, to the aluminum frame. you want to secure the cable away from things that move, (propeller shaft, shift linkage).
It would be really nice if somebody with a dual battery setup in a 2003 SANTE could take a few pictures.
Send a PM to Fitzee, Hr has a 2006 SANTE for sale. Ask him how the dual batteries are hooked up.
Here is his for sale post:
- Feb 2008
- 137
- Dallas, TX
- 2018 G23 - Current 2013 G23 - For Sale 2008 - 230 SAN TE - SOLD 2003 210 SAN TE - SOLD
Here is my install, I ran the cables on the backside of the seat. I actually already had 2 batteries in place, but mounted a sure-power switch in the engine compartment so figured I would re-wire with better wiring while everything else was going on. There were a couple of aluminum welds on the pylon brackets that I was able to run the cable straight thru without any trouble at all. I would suggest you take the bottom seat base out if you havent already. It makes getting to the back of the engine compartment much easier.
If you want specific pictures of anything let me know and I can snap some this weekend, the seat base on the 2002 looks very similar to the 2003 with the pass-throughs in the back so you dont have to go over the fuel tank (which I also wanted to avoid for peace of mind)