I have a 02 SANTI that started having some electrical issues near the end of last summer. The first thing that went screwy was the electronic rear cargo pop buttons stopped working while the boat was running. They work in accessory mode while engine is off, but not while engine is running. Then as we were on our last ride of the season we were cutting through rough water and on the big bumps the boat would go into limp mode and the check engine light would come on. I would bring it down to idle and the light would go off and it run fine until the next big bump. We were headed for the launch and by the end the boat was in total limp mode. It was not over heated, the oil presure was perfect and all battery conections seemed clean... I put the boat away for the season in my garage and started cleaning all terminals throughout the boat. On the first ride of the season this year the boat has issues starting. First push of the start button make the solenoid click, but no start. Press stop and start over & on the 2nd try boat starts (but pretty weak). Brand new battery and all terminals are perfect???
Sorry for the length, but hoping to gain some insight on this problem.
Sorry for the length, but hoping to gain some insight on this problem.