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i have the manual with the diagram and all the plugs to remove. i'm just wondering what to drain the fluid into. just let it fall into the bilge or is there a recommended type container?
Don't know if I did it right or not... but I just drained the dexcool out the bilge into a bucket. I washed things down afterwards - it wasn't going to be easy capturing it before it made it into the bilge.
On one plug (3/8"?) I used teflon tape. The other was a bit different design (next to the starter) that I didn't use anything on the threads. It seems to be not leaking at all though I have been checking on it.
I am a big fan of the Permatex High Temp Thread Sealant. You can find it at pretty much any auto parts store (i.e. advance, autozone, napa, ect...). I have not changed my coolant in my SAN yet but, I have done it many times in my old Prostar (seamaxx 351w closed cooled) and it had great results.