I am in the process of replacing my heater core, and when I was putting it in and I completely forgot how the black heater hoses attach. I know one for the drivers feet and the other pulls out for the passenger etc. One section on my heater hose is just one long piece for the passenger, but then the other y's so it seems like the hoses connect in 3 places to the core? Anyone know this works? Also someone stepped on the heater hose last season and it doesn't scrunch up anymore so I was looking to replace it. Does anyone know where i could pick up about 3 feet of it? Thank in advance.
I have a 2 outlet, one retractable and another for the driver's feet. but I believe the Y was to also run to the defroster because there is a vent for it. i think Im am going to go two retractable but have a Y and also run it to the defroster. The 2nd retraceable would just double as a drivers feet/ extend out if needed.