For the second time in as many times out, this message came up. I never had it except when the wire came off the sensor 2 years ago. I am still burning a little bit (less than 1/8 of old gas to 3/4 new gas) of last years gas and I did call PCM and I was told that excessive knock retard (he thought 7* or greater) or 0 retard will activate this code. I planned on erasing the code and getting some fresh gas and trying that, but also might have to get a new sensor if it comes to that. I might have my dealer put his diacom on it and see where it goes with the KR too.
I was just curious if anyone has had an issue like this and what happened with it. I have a gameplan unless someone else has a better idea in this situation, but always looking for more input.
I was just curious if anyone has had an issue like this and what happened with it. I have a gameplan unless someone else has a better idea in this situation, but always looking for more input.