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I just did it on my 99' sport, looks so much better. I taped and then used lots of paper to keep overspray off of my interior. I still managed to get a little on a few spots on the gel, but it buffed right off. I used an automotive touch up gloss black from Napa. I sanded first, cleaned, wiped down, blew off with compressed air, then primed, and then hit it with the spray can. Its not as perfect as if it were new, but a huge improvement. I'm curious to see how long it lasts. OH yea I also have been baking it in the sun for the last 5 days while on the lake.....I'm sure that has helped it cure!
2005 Ski Nautique 206 SE, Acme 422, PP SG 8.0, ND Tower
2011 strada with strada bindings
Prior Boats:
1986 Sunbird skier with 150 Evinrude VRO
1992 Mastercraft prostar 190, with Powerslot
1999 Ski Nautique GT-40
1999 Sport Nautique, GT-40 FCT,
I did touch-up with mixed results. I wasn't satisfied so I finally pulled the whole frame last year. I had it sandblasted and powdercoated with 20% gloss black. It came out awesome and is a perfect match to my tower. The disassembly was easy but putting the glass back in the frame was more of challenge. Not too difficult though. If you want to do it right, pull the whole frame and do a fresh powdercoat. I don't have any "after" pics readily available but here are a couple "before" pics.
Yeah, I did the stern vents as well as the latch in the floor locker. Funny, I don't have "after" pics --- I was diligent about taking pics of the dis-assembly but was so stoked about getting everything back together that I didn't take "after" pics. I will shoot some later this week and post (two years later).
I was able to reuse the rubber piece that covers the mounting screws for the base frame but you'll have to replace the center window latches and weatherstripping. Otherwise, pretty much everything else can be reused. To remove the latches on the center window, you'll need to drill out the rivets. The project seems daunting but the finished results are totally worth it. For reference sake, I paid $200 for the sandblast and powdercoat for all pieces. I figured might as well do the vents and latches at the same time...not any more money to paint and minimal time to dis-assemble/re-install. Also, I forgot to include the small metal ring around the rear pylon. Wish I had...you should include this in the job as well.