Detailing Products

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  • JJ
    • Jul 2003
    • 55

    • Lake Winnebago, MO

    Detailing Products

    A good friend of mine in Kansas City owns a company that makes state of the art detailing products for the motorcycle industry. I have used his products for about two years on my bike, and about one on my boat. His products are the best I have ever used. I approached him on developing his products for the marine side. So, we are currently in the process of tweeking a few of his bike products for the boating industry. Our goal is to provide a higher level of cleaning products that also offer superior protection at the same time.

    I am looking for imput from fellow Nautique owners on what type of products you would like to see. Tell me what you are currently using and why you like them. Also I want to know what you have used in the past and did not like about that product.
    2007 Ski 196 Limited ZR6, Goode 9500
  • rsterling
    • Dec 2004
    • 12

    I would like to see something to clean the interior better. I use the magirues but it leaves things slippery


    • Jesse1
      • Sep 2004
      • 78

      • East Texas

      I clean my upholstery with Tough Stuff and then apply 303 Protectant. I use Maguires marine wax on the exterior. Maguires wax on the trailer and 303 on the tires.


      • Christopher-W.-Becker
        • Dec 2003
        • 168

        • Ann Arbor, MI


        With my 2004 Correct Craft recommended Marine Specialty Group cleaner. After some work I chased them down and bought some. You can only get it directly from the manufacturer.

        I can say it cleans very well, but wear gloves cause it dried out the skin. I wash and occassionaly use a soft scrub brush (a nail brush to be exact) with dish washing soap (you know like Mage), the rinse. Spray on the Marine Specialty cleaner and scrub as needed. Water rinse again.

        When dry I 303 and buff.

        Keeps the whites looking like new.

        I will try to put up the contact information for MSG.
        Christopher W. Becker
        9323 Mockingbird Ln
        Saline, MI 48176


        • JJ
          • Jul 2003
          • 55

          • Lake Winnebago, MO

          The interior product we have so far cleans better then anything I have used. The difference is when you are finished, you have 100% UV protection without any slick or shiney residue on your seats. They look like they just came out of the factory. We are trying to offer a product that cleans and protects all at once. Does this sound like something you guys would buy?

          BTW, If anyone happens to be in the Kansas City area this weekend, I detailed a Sport 216 with our products in order to compare with the other boats on display. It is at the Skiers Warf Extreme booth.
          2007 Ski 196 Limited ZR6, Goode 9500


          • G-man
            Senior Member of PLANETNAUTIQUE
            • Jun 2004
            • 428

            • Allen, Texas

            I think if your product is so good it would help to have an indorsement from the marine vinal manufacture. Many products used on marine vinal dry out the vinal. As far as I know formula 303 is the only protectant I have seen recommended by a marine vinal manufacture.
            2003 SkiNautique 206 LE Yellow - Black - Silver Cloud

            Previous Fleet
            2006 Ski Nautique 196 SE Titanium - Black- Silver Cloud
            2004 Ski Nautique 206 LE Red - Black - Silver Cloud
            1993 Mastercraft Stars & Stripes 190 Red


            • redelf75
              Senior Member of PLANETNAUTIQUE
              • Sep 2003
              • 767

              • NYC

              I have a stain that I have tried everything on.

              Becker - I'm interested in your MSG stuff. Please try to find the website. THanks,

              I also have a problem getting the mildew stains off from between the seats.


              • Christopher-W.-Becker
                • Dec 2003
                • 168

                • Ann Arbor, MI

                Marine Specialties Group
                3413 Eastern Ave Se
                Grand Rapids, MI 49508-2406
                Phone: (616) 452-3512

                I believe Marine Specialties Group is the marine vinyl supplier to correct craft............thus using their cleaner does not affect the vinyl warranty.
                Christopher W. Becker
                9323 Mockingbird Ln
                Saline, MI 48176



                • JJ
                  • Jul 2003
                  • 55

                  • Lake Winnebago, MO

                  Thanks for the input, we have been working with Greg Meloon at Midwest CC and we also fully intend to get MSG's endorcement. For right now we don't have any ingrediants that will harm the vinyl or protective coating. Just keep in mind that we are in the beginning stages of development and I am just looking for imput from you guys on what you would like to see.
                  2007 Ski 196 Limited ZR6, Goode 9500


                  • jwhposon
                    • Mar 2005
                    • 159

                    • Oregon

                    My dealer told me to use the original scented Fantastic and then follow-up with 303. I haven't found a good wax -- do you guys wax your trailer?


                    • NCH2oSki
                      1,000 Post Club Member
                      • Jul 2003
                      • 1159

                      • Maryville, TN

                      • 2005 ski nautique 206 SE

                      I highly recomend 3-M Marine waxes. They have several levels of cleaning/wax combo's to 100 %pure wax only.

                      Overtons use to cary msg's cleaner in their stores, they may also offer it in their catalog. It really did a good job cleaning my interior.
                      2005 Ski Nautique 206 SE, Acme 422, PP SG 8.0, ND Tower
                      2011 strada with strada bindings

                      Prior Boats:
                      1986 Sunbird skier with 150 Evinrude VRO
                      1992 Mastercraft prostar 190, with Powerslot
                      1999 Ski Nautique GT-40
                      1999 Sport Nautique, GT-40 FCT,



                      • Christopher-W.-Becker
                        • Dec 2003
                        • 168

                        • Ann Arbor, MI

                        Hey, JW.

                        I will scan the product lit that came with my new boat. FANTASTIC was on their list of definite NOTS! P.S. Used the process I described above and the whites are BEAUTIFUL. Takes time, but the results are worth it. Did I mention that I have five kids under the age of 10. So any cleaner gets a workout!
                        Christopher W. Becker
                        9323 Mockingbird Ln
                        Saline, MI 48176



                        • jwhposon
                          • Mar 2005
                          • 159

                          • Oregon

                          Christopher -- THank you for following up on this. If at all possible can you point me to the lit, or scan it, etc. I want to have some consistency in my detailing products and I am using this board as the "gospel" - smile. My dealer is atimate that Fantastic is the only product that should be used to clean the product. Thanks for your time.


                          • DRAGON88
                            Senior Member of PLANETNAUTIQUE
                            • Jul 2003
                            • 529

                            • Eugene, Oregon

                            • 1999 Sport Naqutique 2005 Super Air Nautique Team Edition

                            Christopher-W.-Becker, Fantastic is where its at for cleaning vinyl, as a matter of fact it is on the DO side of the list. You want to stay away from things like 409 and Simple green though as they contain chemical agents (something inside of me wants to say silicone is the bad thing in SG and 409) that will shrink the vinyl and can (and have in my experience) ripped out the seams.

                            I'm positive of this beyond a shadow of a doubt 1- I was looking at the article in question a week ago and noted that Fantastic was most certainly on the DO side of the list. 2- whilst in the office of the boat dealership I noted about 30 bottles of the "original" fantastic. 3- this is also all that my dealership uses for detailing their boats, aside from coating them in 303 after cleaning them with fantastic.
                            How about \"Chales\"?

                            RIP Nikolai (\'05 SANTE) 5/23/05 - 4/30/06


                            • Christopher-W.-Becker
                              • Dec 2003
                              • 168

                              • Ann Arbor, MI

                              DRAGON.......correct. Memory tain't what it used to be. Sorry all

                              I dug through my boat file and found the Marine Specialty Group Literature that Correct Craft provides with the purchase of a new Nautique.

                              If you look at Marine Specialty Groups Website ( they have this information in the products tab. Has cleaning recommendations for all kinds of stains. Including Mildew or Wet Leaves

                              For Mildew: Step 1. One (1) teaspon of ammonia, one fourth (1/4) cup of hydrogen peroxide, three- fourth (3/4) cup of water. RINSE/Dry. Step 2. Vinyl Cleaner or Fantastic (Thanks again Dragon) Step 3: Medium-soft bresu, warm soapy water RINSE/Dry

                              I have the Vinyl Finish Vinyl Cleaner made by Marine Specialty Group (it is next to impossible to find except from them) and I wil have to say it cleans very well. I used it on the Excursion also (I have five hellions who can make a mess some times).

                              Long list of DONT's

                              Formula 409 (states on the bottle not to use on vinyl), Murphy's Oil Soap, Simple Green, DC Plus, Armor All, Top Kote Sealant, Son-of-a-Gun, Orange 88 Degreaser, Rool Off, Bleach/Baking Soda, Turtle Wax/Tar Remover (states not to use on vinyl), APCO, and Harbor Mate.

                              Obviously not gasoline, kerosene or acetone as these will remove the protective marine top coat. Do not use any silicon base protectants as they will extract the plasticizer, leaving the vinyl hard and brittle and eventually cracking will occur.

                              Jeff, sorry for the file size, but below this it was impossible to read.
                              Christopher W. Becker
                              9323 Mockingbird Ln
                              Saline, MI 48176


