Yesterday I installed a perfect pass 6.0 digital pro system that I bought of eBay. Other than the throttle assembly being kind of hard to get to on a GT-40 and the servo cable being too short to mount the module where I want it (have to see if PP sells an extension), the physical install went pretty well. I had the boat hooked up to a hose/bucket while I was checking other things, so I then tested the PP (as much as one can on a hose). The servo motor would wind then unwind and stay unwound and the boat would hunt for idle bouncing between about 880 rpms and 1500. The PP manual troubleshooting section only mentions that the molex connector needs to have no gap. I had no gap. Ultimately, it appears that what I really needed was to re-orient / change the location of the servo. A moderate placement change to the servo placement (moved to a different water hose, which allowed to get the servo a bit more level and changed the slack in the servo cable a bit) appears to have solved my problem. Stopped hunting for idle on the hose and worked on the water. My idle still hunts a bit between about 870 - 890 rpms at idle, but this does not seem to me to be operating different than the norm. It is the same without PP installed.
Note, I was able to confirm it was something with the servo mount by unhooking the throttle cable from its fixed mount, allowing the throttle to be guaranteed to be all the way closed/idle position, regardless of the molex connection.
Hope this will help someone in the future, as it really sucked working on this for about 4 hours on and off in 105 degree heat with no shade.
Note, I was able to confirm it was something with the servo mount by unhooking the throttle cable from its fixed mount, allowing the throttle to be guaranteed to be all the way closed/idle position, regardless of the molex connection.
Hope this will help someone in the future, as it really sucked working on this for about 4 hours on and off in 105 degree heat with no shade.