Steering Wheel Shudder at Take Off - 2009 230 SANTE

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  • 81nautique
    • Feb 2006
    • 257

    • Big Rock, Illinois

    • 2012 200 Sport 1956 Correct Craft Collegian Past boats 1955 Correct Craft Hurricane 81 Anniversary Nautique 1960 GlassCraft Ski Nautique #1

    2012 200v, 87 hours, we just developed this problem yesterday. I touched the bottom at about 1 mph with the boat out of gear, just heard a slight scrape but immediately after this the steering wheel shake started. No other vibration at speed and after inspecting the prop when we pulled out I can't see any damage with the naked eye. Only other new variable is that we had the boat loaded up with ballast much more than we ever have so I guess there's a chance that has affected something. I ordered a new prop today since I wanted a spare anyway so after I change it this weekend if the shake is still there I'll start looking elsewhere. It sure pissed me off though because prior to yesterday the wheel was absolutely smooth.


    • msbowhunter
      • Aug 2011
      • 100

      • collierville tn

      • 2011 SAN 210

      Picked up my boat today from local dealer at Pickwick and was told they did nothing to repair the shake due to no obvious problem. They said they were still waiting to hear from Nautique on where to look. They also didnt fix my stereo problem that causes it to pop and scream engine noise. They said they had repaired it. I was told by the service writer that they recently had issue with Nautique and werent gonna carry them anymore. This doesnt really surprise me at all. But am now left with a broken boat and a dealer that doesnt seem to want or able to fix it. Did a search on Nautique website for my next closest dealer and Sammy Roberts (of Nautique i suppose) name # and email shows up now. Suppose I will call him next and see what happens.


      • 81nautique
        • Feb 2006
        • 257

        • Big Rock, Illinois

        • 2012 200 Sport 1956 Correct Craft Collegian Past boats 1955 Correct Craft Hurricane 81 Anniversary Nautique 1960 GlassCraft Ski Nautique #1

        Well our wheel shake was very easy to repair, put on my new prop and the boat is like new. I was amazed at how slight the prop damage was to make the wheel shake that bad.


        • msbowhunter
          • Aug 2011
          • 100

          • collierville tn

          • 2011 SAN 210

          Sammy Roberts of Nautique called and authorized that I take my boat to another local dealer for warranty repairs. Exactly what I was hoping for. Thanks to him for the prompt response and willingness to be flexible in getting my boat repaired. Now maybe they can figure it out.


          • JayG80
            • Dec 2006
            • 206

            • Santa Fe, TX

            • 2007 Ski Nautique Sold 2002 Ski Nautique

            My friend fixed this issue on his 2001 Ski Nautique. Same shudder issue on skier pull up. Turns out he had to replace the helm tilt mechanism on the steering wheel. There are 2 plastic bushings in the mechanism that wore out. He just found some on eBay for $50, they are usually $185.


