I've searched but I can't find the answer. I just changed the bearings and races on my 2002 Ramlin" single axle trailer and I have a question on how tight the castle nut should be. To set the bearings, I used a wrench on the nut and then backed it off a little bit and locked the castle nut in place. My question is on the tightness of the castle nut to get rid of all play on the wheel when you wiggle it. To get rid of all of the play, the nut is almost as tight as you can go. If I back it off a little more, I get an ever-so-slight wiggle on the wheel (when it is jacked-up and off of the ground of course). Is a very slight amount of wiggle OK? I think the wheel seems to spin the same either way, but it is hard to tell slight differences when turning by hand. I just feel that the nut is almost as tight as it can go when the wiggle completely disappears. I've read that you should back the nut off a 1/2 turn or so, but this seems to be too much. What do you guys do?