Ok, was out yesterday and the warning whistle went off at the helm (that little beep). It only beeped once so I went to neutral and checked all guages. Everything looked good so I continued on. About an hour later the same thing happened so again I stopped and checked things out and all was good including fuel levels and all readings on the guages. This happened one more time and I noticed that the fuel consumption reading was bouncing around and this was causing the warning. Not sure first off as to what this guage is actually warning me of, why it would bounce around when I am not changing my throttle position and what kind of issue this may or may not be indicating. Note that I was running around the quarter of a tank range for fuel when this was happening. Boat was still running perfect as well. Any input guys??
OK, sign me up for the idiots are us club!!! I started thinking about this last night and I don't believe that I have a problem.
The "Time till empty" guage or reading will change with the amount of fuel left in the tank. I usually don't run with anything less than a half a tank so this was new to me having the bell go off and see the number so low. I was interpreting the guage as a consumption rate when that is not at all what the guage is doing. In short, don't believe that I have a problem.2006 Air 216 Team Ed.
My 206 (shorter version of yours) does the same thing...very annoying starting at about 3/8 of a tank. Especially boarding for a long run then throttling to neutral and the stern going higher than the bow for a moment. Note I've run this boat down two or three times to about a 1/4" inch of fuel in the tank.
Like the 70's/80's Fords and Chrysler, CC should put a voltage regulator/delay in the sending unit to cut down on the alarms. Occasionally, I can catch the alarm in action and "silence" by pressing the right and left buttons at the same time. But it will soon return. We generally run with a heavy tank for extra weight but I bet this drives the slalom guys crazy that run only 5 gallons at a time. I'd probably rig a way to fool the gauge and watch the fuel level through the trunk.