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Just order a roll and do it urself. If it were paint it would be different. If u don't want to do it, find a quality sign company with boat experience bc EVERY sign company lays vinyl
certainly not all sign companies are created equally, but my buddy's family company, modern signs, look it up on facebook, created and laid down an awesome graphic on a boat fairly recently. to give you an idea. the stripe is really not that hard, but it is a long run. i'd call around to any body shops or sign shops.
gride nailed it... a sign or body shop will be your best bet. As a former sign company owner, I can tell you that pinning isn't an easy task - if you want nice straight and even lines that is!
Do not be intimidated by this job, it is easy.
Wash the boat, and dry it. Clean the area where you will apply the pinstripe, with rubbing alcohol.
Wipe the area, with a paper towel, and before the area drys, wipe the alcohol off with a second dry paper towel.
Start at the bow, lining up the tape with the gelcoat line. Stretch the tape very slightly, and very gently touch it down on the boat, trying to keep the tape centered over the gelcoat line. If you do not like where the pinstripe is going, pull it up, and put it down again. When you are satisfied with the way is is on the boat, then push it firmly on the boat. When I do a boat, I use one piece of tape, from the bow, all the way around the boat, and end up at the bow again.
Your first time might be a little wavy. But because you care about doing a good job, and not beating a flat rate, you might actually end up with it being pretty straight.
If you got a 150 foot roll of tape, you will have enough to do the pinstripe three times, and have some left over.
Some Correct Craft pinstripe tapes have a clear plastic film over the top of the tape, that you can remove when you are done.