If you drain all the water anti freeze is not necessary however most use it as a safeguard against any residual water and also to prevent corrosion.
Not much will drain with the impeller removal, I would not worry about it.
I only remove 1 heater hose, blow in that line with the plug on the U line out and the water will come out.
I have always used the shower pump to drain that side, as mentioned previously, just be sure both hot/cold valves are open.
If you are asking about the trans cooler, no I normally don't drain that as it is really tough to get at, my assumption is it is so early in the flow that any residual water will push out as the anti-freeze flows through (using the run and suck up anti freeze method). If you are referring to anything V-Drive related, no idea, all my boats have been direct drives.
Not much will drain with the impeller removal, I would not worry about it.
I only remove 1 heater hose, blow in that line with the plug on the U line out and the water will come out.
I have always used the shower pump to drain that side, as mentioned previously, just be sure both hot/cold valves are open.
If you are asking about the trans cooler, no I normally don't drain that as it is really tough to get at, my assumption is it is so early in the flow that any residual water will push out as the anti-freeze flows through (using the run and suck up anti freeze method). If you are referring to anything V-Drive related, no idea, all my boats have been direct drives.