Has anyone every had to replace these two sensors? This is for an 08 210.
My check engine sensor has been bad for quite some time now. After talking to some knowledgable Nautique service folks, I have been told that the sensor going bad is not uncommon, but it is actually a redundant sensor. All of my other sensors on the dash read within normal values so I haven't really worried with it that much and was planning on replacing this sensor over the winter.
So here's where my real concern popped up. Recently, within the last two weeks, I beleive that my oil pressure sensor has gone out. Firstly, all oil checks read normal on the dipstick, and the boat runs fine (no limp mode). However, my digital reading on the tach gauge pegs out to 1468 PSI ( I assume its 146.8 but no decimal point) and the analog gauge pegs all the way to the end at 80 PSI. These values are constant and never fluctuate like normal oil pressure reading should. Thus my belief that I have a bad sensor.
The reason I am asking about changeing these out myself is primarliy that I don't have a dealer anywhere near me. The boat also runs just fine. If this is just a simple swap and replace situation, I would rather not spend days and lots of $$$ taking it to a dealer to repair.
My check engine sensor has been bad for quite some time now. After talking to some knowledgable Nautique service folks, I have been told that the sensor going bad is not uncommon, but it is actually a redundant sensor. All of my other sensors on the dash read within normal values so I haven't really worried with it that much and was planning on replacing this sensor over the winter.
So here's where my real concern popped up. Recently, within the last two weeks, I beleive that my oil pressure sensor has gone out. Firstly, all oil checks read normal on the dipstick, and the boat runs fine (no limp mode). However, my digital reading on the tach gauge pegs out to 1468 PSI ( I assume its 146.8 but no decimal point) and the analog gauge pegs all the way to the end at 80 PSI. These values are constant and never fluctuate like normal oil pressure reading should. Thus my belief that I have a bad sensor.
The reason I am asking about changeing these out myself is primarliy that I don't have a dealer anywhere near me. The boat also runs just fine. If this is just a simple swap and replace situation, I would rather not spend days and lots of $$$ taking it to a dealer to repair.