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Start at the nose and roll it toward the stern. We have a little pad (thing you put on little kids car seat straps) in between the draw string where it is exposed at the nose and the hull to keep it from rubbing.
When you get to the transom, bring the draw string and turnbuckle down below the rubrail.
Attach the center strap to the grab handle and tighten.
Next, put the hooks on the side underneath the rubrail starting at the windshield and working your way back.
Next, put the hooks under the transom rubrail starting at the center and working your way out. Tighten them down. You may need to cinch the grabrail strap down, too. Make sure your draw string is below the transom rubrail hooks before you attach them.
Finally, tighten up your turnbuckle to draw the drawstring taught.