Originally posted by TRBenj
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The levels of zinc/phos of the Rotella-T 15w40 (1200/1100 ppm) are pushing what Ive read to be the bare minimum to use on a flat tappet motor. I used to be a big fan of the Rotella, but now choose either 20w50 VR1 or 15w50 M1, as both are in the 1300/1200 ppm range.[/QUOTE]
Please provide links to data from the manufacturers to back up this data. Otherwise, it is folklore as these vendors are continually changing there specs. Another spec that oil vendors provide that piss me off is the ACEA spec. They DO NOT tell you which year they refer to when they say for example ACEA-A5. There is a 2008, 2007, 2004, 2002 spec for A5 and the later year specs are more stringent. This is an interesting tool to compare oil specs.
Looking at the Valvoline MSDS sheets for VR1 (need to figure out which SKU number) ZDDP is >=1-<1.5%
See http://msds.ashland.com/msds-ext/msd...SearchHC&id=20
Premium blue diesel 15W-40 is >=1.5% -<5% zinc compounds. See http://msds.ashland.com/msds-ext/msd...SearchHC&id=16
So your better off with Rotella T 15W40 than VR1 if the Rotella T data is valid.
Here is the M1 15W-50 data... Looks great. http://www.mobiloil.com/USA-English/...duct_Guide.pdf