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I will be installing a WakeboardPro in my sport. I have read the write up on the malibuboatowners site. Anyone out there do an install on an older nautique? Looking for pics and or advice.
Did you rename your wife wakeboard pro and get some handcuffs... jk (you will need to change your signature)
It is very easy to install the PP, I peice-mealed one together from leftover parts for my 95. You can download the manuals from PP, the hardest part is the hole for the paddle.
I have downloaded the manual and printed out the pics. Bought a new 2 inch hole saw and GE silcone caulk. I have installed the tower, shower, heater, depth guage, dual bats, and stereo myself. Not scared of cutting holes in a 15 year old boat! But, would like feedback or suggestions. Plan on cutting the hole 6-7 inches perpendicular to the drain as per instructions. I will change my sig after, and only after, a working install!