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Thanks AirTool, so from what I've read, turning the nut/bolt clockwise will loosen the pully and then the opposite when I'm done to tighten it back up?
That pulley is bolted to an arm that is tensioned by a spring. You don't want to loosen the bolt, just loosen the tension on the belt being placed on it by the pulley and the belt will fall off. Make a mental note of the routing of the belt before you remove it.
just go clockwise easy, you should see the pulley move. If not, go the other way. I can't tell yours by looking but mine was clockwise - you can see in the picture.
Its the only pulley with a visible nut on it, take a 5/8 wrench and yes turn it clockwise. it will spring back up with no belt on it, so be careful, Ive smashed a few fingers just letting the wrench go. Do the same to re-install the new belt!
In the 2nd Picture it will be the top right (port) pulley.