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Most standard boat trailers are 8' wide. The widest that you can legally tow in all 50 states without a permit is 8'6". I'm not sure about the height of either boat.
There was a comment made on one of the G23 interviews that you will need a 9' door to get a G23 in with the tower down. My 210 with a custom Boatmate trailer including 18'' wheels needs an 8' door with the tower down. The door in the pic is 8'.
There was a comment made on one of the G23 interviews that you will need a 9' door to get a G23 in with the tower down. My 210 with a custom Boatmate trailer including 18'' wheels needs an 8' door with the tower down. The door in the pic is 8'.
Clarification -- you're talking height not width right? An 8'W garage door only has 7'10"W of clearance. My SAN doesn't fit in my 8'W door, unfortunately.