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If you take the hose off the fitting at the top of the transmission, you can blow air through the hose, and that pushes the fluid in the hoses, and cooler back into the sump of the transmission.
I have had to do this on a transmission, to flush it out completely, due to water contamination. three complete flushes leaves the transmission pretty clean.
I have a 1997 Ski Nautique. It has 2385.3 hours on it, and I use it on a show ski team. I have towed docks, jumps, large logs, as well as more that the two recommended people in some acts.
I use Valvoline Dexron/Mercon conventional fluid. I started out with Dexron 2, then 3, then 4, and now the Dex/Merc formula.
I am not a fan of oils and lubricants with a useless purple dye in them. Dyes belong in paint, and gelcoat, not oils.