So we were getting the 02' SANTE that we got in January and were changing out the oil and stowing all the gear etc. First thing that freaks me out is when we were running the engine to warm up the oil a bit, I notice water pissing out of where the shaft goes back into the boat. After some inspection, it is clear that there is a hose going to the packing gland and shooting water back through, that was a new one for me, although most of them are.
Anyway, we have that stupid light on the starter dash pod that comes on when you start the boat and says it is gonna go off above 1200 RPM. SO after we change the oil and I resealed the strainer which was leaking a bit I fired it back up to check it all out and that light is on, but we are only idling. So after it warms up I up the RPMS in nuetral to 1300 just to see if the light goes off, it doesn't of course, so there we are, so I try a few more times and it still stays on. So I shrug my shoulders.
Thing is, I have an engine warning light on my car that means absolutely diddly. In fact, it freaks out when you clean the fuel injectors. Is this thing the same way?? I had to take out and reinstall the knock sensor to drain the block when I got the boat. It said to torque back in, but there is no possible way to get a torque wrench on it, so I made it a loose snug.
Anyway, just looking for any info on that light and how it functions and what it's supposed to know. Is there a reset??
Anyway, we have that stupid light on the starter dash pod that comes on when you start the boat and says it is gonna go off above 1200 RPM. SO after we change the oil and I resealed the strainer which was leaking a bit I fired it back up to check it all out and that light is on, but we are only idling. So after it warms up I up the RPMS in nuetral to 1300 just to see if the light goes off, it doesn't of course, so there we are, so I try a few more times and it still stays on. So I shrug my shoulders.
Thing is, I have an engine warning light on my car that means absolutely diddly. In fact, it freaks out when you clean the fuel injectors. Is this thing the same way?? I had to take out and reinstall the knock sensor to drain the block when I got the boat. It said to torque back in, but there is no possible way to get a torque wrench on it, so I made it a loose snug.
Anyway, just looking for any info on that light and how it functions and what it's supposed to know. Is there a reset??