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Does any one know the best way to remove old sano matting? I am about to replace all of mine as most of it is perished. Is the glue super stubborn or will it lift easy? What is the best thing to remove the residue glue with?
Heat gun and plastic putty knife. Then soak a towel in mineral spirits and lay it on the glue for several minutes. That will turn it to gel. Scrap that with your plastic putty knife. Then use acetone the do a final clean up. I just did my platform and a few pieces in the boat this way, not hard at all.
2008 210 SAN TE (Moonraker Yellow over Midnight Blue)
Exactly what TxJole said, heat it up good, work up an edge and pull it off slowly with a little help from a plastic putty knife- one hand on the heat gun and the other pulling on the sano. The glue residue gets worked off with acetone.