I tried to look and see if this topic has been covered before, sorry if this is an old question. My computer and search skills aren't the greatest.
Anyways.. Here we go..
I have a 1989 Sport Nautique. First question, does it have more than 1 bilge?
Secondly, I need to change the one in front of the motor, seems as if the auto-bilge doesn't work. I have a new one. One that is in there has two wires. One that I purchased has 3 wires. I take it I should tie both positive wires on new pump together? Also, my contol panel has an auto bilge switch and manual. Never kicks on in auto. Does work when I switch on the manual though. Im thinking ( remember im new) that the new pump, since it has three wires then the auto bilge should work? Im lost here.. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Anyways.. Here we go..
I have a 1989 Sport Nautique. First question, does it have more than 1 bilge?
Secondly, I need to change the one in front of the motor, seems as if the auto-bilge doesn't work. I have a new one. One that is in there has two wires. One that I purchased has 3 wires. I take it I should tie both positive wires on new pump together? Also, my contol panel has an auto bilge switch and manual. Never kicks on in auto. Does work when I switch on the manual though. Im thinking ( remember im new) that the new pump, since it has three wires then the auto bilge should work? Im lost here.. Any help would be greatly appreciated.