very close to my first nautique purchase. rumor has it that there is a used boat checklist somewhere on this site, but i cant find it. anyone know where to find it?
Im not familiar with a check list. If your buying an older nautique you might post over in the old school category and im sure someone could answer ay question you may have. This site is full of information so ask away.Current Correct Craft Boat
[URL=""]2015 SANTE 210[/URL]
Correct Craft Boats Owned
[URL=""]2012 SANTE 210 (Boatmate Trailer)[/URL]
[URL=""]2003 SANTE 210 (Dorsey Trailer)[/URL]
[URL=""]2007 SANTE 210 (Magnum Trailer)[/URL]
I've seen some within threads but you'd have to dig to find them. Best bet is to post what you're looking at and there will be plenty of responses on what to look for and look out for.