2003 CC 206 . After several months of chasing a problem with the boat dying and not starting (both very seldom) I found the problem. Loose wire at butt connector below the 3 fuses in engine harness near the relays. Issue was niether fuel pump would be running(could not hear high pressure pump run when key on). I test both fuel pumps , tested relays,checked lanyard, checked all fuses,tighten connections at all electrical plugs,checked fuel pressure, cleaned fuel filters, checked grounds,all tested fine. Eventually realizing when I move the wires around the Relays it would work /not work sparatically.. followed the wires from the fuel pump relay to the 3 fuses a few inches away and removed the wire harness cover.. found that just below the fuses, one wire was spliced into two wires apparently from the factory to feed power to two of the fuses.. the splice connection was loose .. took off cleaned wires and installed new butt connector.. works perfect.. yeah!! tried to show pics and yet file to large. Hope this saves someone some time and avoid costly repairs for a 5 cent connector and hours of frustrations. If you need pics email me at c21dug99@hotmail.com and I will forward.