Well, I've been complaining now for over a year that I've got low voltage at my dash, from digital display, and analog guage. 11V displayed.
Warrentee center said everything was okay. I begged to differ.
I got out my trusty digital meter and measured the battery directly, 12V measured the voltage the circuit breaker box, 11V. Checked the voltage the the Control module behind the motor, again 11V. Then I unplugged PP to find that those things really draw a lot of current, brought voltage back up to 11.7. Close but, not 12V like it should read. Ran an 8 gauge wire directly from tha battery to the circuit breaker box and whala, 12V. Same as the battery.
Removed the 8ga wire and then decided to put the system to the real test, turn on the heater. Again a high current draw device, less than 10.8V.
Put the 8ga wire back on and whala 12v again and the fan runs noticably faster.
So, there is obviously too small of gauge wiring running the system, it appears to be 10ga but, with the neccessary draw of the system, there really needs to be a lower gauge wire suppling power.
So, I permanently put an 8ga wire, +/- to the circuit breaker box, fused it at the battery and ran it up the starboard gunwale.
The dual battery system is a whole other story.
Warrentee center said everything was okay. I begged to differ.
I got out my trusty digital meter and measured the battery directly, 12V measured the voltage the circuit breaker box, 11V. Checked the voltage the the Control module behind the motor, again 11V. Then I unplugged PP to find that those things really draw a lot of current, brought voltage back up to 11.7. Close but, not 12V like it should read. Ran an 8 gauge wire directly from tha battery to the circuit breaker box and whala, 12V. Same as the battery.
Removed the 8ga wire and then decided to put the system to the real test, turn on the heater. Again a high current draw device, less than 10.8V.
Put the 8ga wire back on and whala 12v again and the fan runs noticably faster.
So, there is obviously too small of gauge wiring running the system, it appears to be 10ga but, with the neccessary draw of the system, there really needs to be a lower gauge wire suppling power.
So, I permanently put an 8ga wire, +/- to the circuit breaker box, fused it at the battery and ran it up the starboard gunwale.
The dual battery system is a whole other story.