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factory ballast tanks popping circuit when trying to empty
factory ballast tanks popping circuit when trying to empty
does anyone know where the pump to drain the tanks on a 01 pro air is located? how many pumps does the system have? one to fill one to empty? any help greatly app
RE: factory ballast tanks popping circuit when trying to emp
I think what happens is the pump shaft gets a little corrosion in the bearing area from sitting up, and "freezes". I had a similar problem and all I did was turn the shaft by hand until it was free, then shot a smidge of synthetic oil on the bearing area and it works fine...... at least so far!
The pump comes apart with a twist and you may not have to remove it from the hose. BTW, that spiral reinforced hose is absolutely awful to remove, and if anyone has an easy way to remove the hose I'd love to hear about it.
RE: factory ballast tanks popping circuit when trying to emp
That spiral hose is a pita to get off. If you can get it off, you're one lucky SOB, oh and try to get it back on. It's a wonder that the factory gets those hoses on at all.