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2002 Super Sport - Paddle wheel, but no Perfect Pass
2002 Super Sport - Paddle wheel, but no Perfect Pass
I've had the boat about a month, without perfect pass. I noticed it does have the paddle wheel on the bottom, trying to figure out what it might be used for.
It had the digital gauges that have been replaced. It does have the two tubes on the back ( I forget what they're called) that I assume are for the speedo.
The pitot tubes were for the digital gauges. When they replaced them with the analog faria gauges, they do not work with the pitot tubes, and used the paddlewheel. This was correct. You should be able to use that same paddlewheel for PP if you want to. Just call Nautiqueparts.com and tell them what you have (the Faria replacement gauges with paddlewheel). There is a special cable you would need to tie the PP to that paddlewheel and still allow your speedo to work.
2000 SAN
1999 Air Nautique
1996 Tige Pre-2000
1989 Lowe 24' Pontoon / Johnson 100HP outboard