Here's the deal. 2005 SANTE with Excalibur 330. Started having the issue a few weeks ago but it finally "gave up the ghost" last week. We dropped the boat in the water, started her up, and headed out into the lake. Everything seemed fine. Made it out about a mile and the engine began to sputter and die. It had done this before and cleared itself up quickly enough to just shrug it off and keep riding. Not this time. Try to start the engine, sputter sputter sputter. Finally, the engine stopped trying to start altogether and would just crank over without even trying to fire. Just like we were out of gas. I knew we had fuel since we had just filled it up. Curious, I pulled the drain plug out of the FCC. Two or three drops. By this time we had drifted back to shore (luckily by the boat ramp), so we loaded her on the trailer and rode with friends the rest of the day. Since then, I've used the down time to complete some of the maintenance I should've done over the winter. New impeller. Oil & filter change. Fresh cap and rotor. New spark plugs. New filter in FCC. Drained the gas tank, pulled it, and installed a new steering cable. Checked everything on the tank while it was out. Nothing clogged. It seemed logical to me that if there was no gas in the FCC, then the low pressure pump must not be working or clogged. Opened it up and checked the screen. Remarkably little trash, considering the age of the boat. Went ahead and bought a new low pressure pump from and installed it today. Added gas to the tank and tried to start her up. Turns over but won't start. Nothing comes out of the FCC drain so gas isn't even making it that far.
Anyone have any ideas? It has me stumped, and Memorial Day weekend is right around the corner.
Anyone have any ideas? It has me stumped, and Memorial Day weekend is right around the corner.