Looking for some advice as I've read through this string. When I bought my 2007 SV211 2 years ago it has always steered to the left in much tighter turning radius than to the right. I confirmed that is the true now by doing some troubleshooting. My steering wheel turns approx. 3 full turns from lock to lock. When I center up the rudder when it is on the trailer - it turns approx. 2 turns to the left till lock. When I recenter the rudder - it turns approx. 1 turn to the right. I always pick up my skier on the right side of the boat and turning around them takes a much larger radius. Looking for advice as to how to adjust this so there will only be approx. 1.5 turns in both directions from center. From Charles note above this seems like I can make an adjustment under the helm with the rack vs. standing on my head and adjusting the cable at the rudder.
Thanks everyone for any advice.
Thanks everyone for any advice.