Hey guys. Been a while since my last post, but between the cool spring and life, the boat has been kind of on the back burner. Anyway, finally got it in last weekend. Before I did, I installed a new prop using a harmonic prop puller to remove the old one (requires hitting with hammer). Did not notice it right away, but within the first 10 minutes I notice a whine while in gear at idle speed. If I give it some gas, the whine seems to change with RPM and goes away (maybe just can't hear over the engine). My first thoughts were alignment or maybe something as a result of about 10 blows with a hammer to the harmonic puller, and therefore shaft. Also, there are a lot of weeds in the lake this year. Is it possible even without a vibration they could have somehow get inside the cutlass or something?
Any thoughts? Am I on the right track with the alignment? Can't think what would have thrown if off between last year and this year, except the prop puller.
Sorry, should have mentioned it is a 2002 SANTE with the Excal.
Any thoughts? Am I on the right track with the alignment? Can't think what would have thrown if off between last year and this year, except the prop puller.
Sorry, should have mentioned it is a 2002 SANTE with the Excal.