We have an 08 220 and when she is heavily weighted surfing I thought it was the Trans slipping. Dealer says they have never seen it and is most likely cavitation. We are running the stock prop and it was struggling to maintain speed. Any thoughts?
with what you are saying when your ( trans slip), with personal experience, i would say cavitation !! have had it on the new 210, 220 and 230 has to be heavily weighted to one side, port more so. because of the prop rotation, also notice it more, if it was little choppy while making slight left turn.worried me at first too, until I realized what was happening,2013 G23 super air
2010 230 super air
2009 220 super air
2008 210 super air
2005 210 super air
2003 calabria pro air
Having a similar problem running a 1235 prop on an 08 230. I too got a sick feeling in my stomach (and wallet) and thought that the transmission was slipping. I have been reading around on the net and have started thinking about a couple of different possibilities. A)Fuel filter is clogged up (will be replacing it no matter what this week) B)prop ventilation (but that seems to happen to people during power turns rather than the hole-shot) C)Prop cavitation. It did it twice yesterday while surfing but now today it will do it every time even with no ballast. If I try and accelerate really hard like you do with a wakeboarder the engine revs up really high but I don't really move anywhere and then the revs come back down and I start moving again, it surges like this about 3 times before I am on plane and running fine. It does this consistently EVERY time I do a full speed hole-shot. I can slowly bring the boat up to speed with absolutely no issues but when I try to pull someone up it surges.