Are these engine coolant hoses?

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  • jkallen21
    Senior Member of PLANETNAUTIQUE
    • Jan 2013
    • 399

    • United States

    • 2006 Super Air 220

    Are these engine coolant hoses?

    2006 SANTE - ZR6
    I had an issue today with the bilge filling with water as I was driving. In just 5 mins, the engine was struggling and I noticed an unusual steam/smoke venting from the engine. It had about 10-14 inches of water in the bilge so I pumped the water out. I had also been running the ballast pumps and thought maybe something was leaking there so I turned those off and ran a few more mins only to have to fill the bilge again. So, I investigated and found that a small hose (1" diameter) that apparently carries (very hot) water had gotten too close to a belt/pulley on the back of the engine and it was worn through. I made a patch and got it to stay out of the pulley with a piece of rope. I took some photos of the hose mainly because I am curious what this hose is called and what it does. There is a "T" connector that connects it to a much larger hose. I'm going to need a new T and a replacement hose. I noticed the engine temp ran a tad higher when this hose wasn't properly connected too so I assume it plays a role in cooling. I'm also not sure if it has something to do with the bilge pump - because when the bilge pump runs, this hose moves water to the best of my memory and diagnosis.

    The photos show this hose. It's in the very back of the engine compartment. It's the lower right most hose in the photos. You can tell that it it's missing a metal clamp because the old one got eaten by the pulley. I will put a new one on soon. I was upside down taking the pics and the iphone seems to orient photos differently that one expects, so in reality, the large (~3" diameter) hose is on the bottom and the small hose in question is on the top. The large hose literally rests on the bilge.

    Since I was down there I decided to find the ballast puppy screw I lost last week. I found it which saved me $20 (yes, they want $20 for that screw). I also found a Bud Light bottle cap, a screw driver, a wrench, one very large nut, and several miscellaneous screws. Obviously the sign of several efficient mechanics who were able to put it back together with less parts than CC did when they built it.


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  • jkallen21
    Senior Member of PLANETNAUTIQUE
    • Jan 2013
    • 399

    • United States

    • 2006 Super Air 220

    OK - here are some much better pics from a 2008 SANTE ZR6 but the hoses are identical. I'm wanting to know what the smaller hose does if anyone knows. Where is this water going to/from? I found out that the T-connector is about $3 so no big deal there and the hose is apparently available in a lot of places.
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    • s_kelley2000
      1,000 Post Club Member
      • Nov 2007
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      • Mass

      • 2012 Super Air Nautique 230 1999 Nautique Super Sport with 502 Python (for Sale)

      Does your boat have a heater and/or shower? If so I bet those small hoses supply hot water to one or both of those.

      2012 Blue Metal Flake SAN 230

      1999 Black and Tan Python 502 Powered Super Sport (for Sale)


      • john_keck
        • Jun 2010
        • 51

        • NC

        • 2006 220 SANTE

        I believe that is part of the quick drain system for winterizing - On mine it isn't a T - it's an X - I replaced the plug side with a 3/8" brass valve so I could just drain the water pump and manifolds by opening the valve.


        • charlesml3
          1,000 Post Club Member
          • Jan 2008
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          • Lake Gaston, NC

          • 2022 G23

          My money is on heater/shower. Looks to me like this is a "T" off the hot water line. Since it's headed to two smaller hoses that makes it sound much more like heater/shower.

          You'll need to trace those hoses around and figure out where they're going to know for sure.



          • super01
            • Jun 2009
            • 277

            • 2008 Super Air 230 2001 Super Air 210 (Sold)

            It appears to be part of the optional water drain system. See figure 15-4 on page 69...

            2008 Super Air 230 ZR6
            2001 Super Air 210 GT-40 (Sold)


            • charlesml3
              1,000 Post Club Member
              • Jan 2008
              • 2454

              • Lake Gaston, NC

              • 2022 G23

              Yea, sure does. Looks to me like an unnecessary complication that can (and in this case, did) create a failure point.


