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I am changing the oil in my 2004 SANTE, on the engine cover it says to use 15W-40 oil. The only 15W-40 oil i can find is for Diesel engines. Is this ok. What is everyone else using.
thanks for your reply.
That oil should be fine. I think 15w40 was originally made for diesels and has a lot more detergents. I used to use that in my old S15 Jimmy, it's still going at 250,000 miles. I have to use 20w50 in it now to keep up the oil pressure, though.
I have the same boat (2004 SANTE). I use Shell Rotella 15W-40. It actually still has more zinc in it than other oils. Not quite as nesessary as on older cars with flat tappet cams, but still doesn't hurt and provides better lubrication in my opinion.
2004 Super Air Nautique 210 Team Edition
1994 Ski Nautique (sold)
1979 Ski Nautique (sold)