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That is a rub rail. Usually wiping it with acetone will clean it. Try to do this in the cool of the morning, out of direct sunlight. Try not to breathe the acetone fumes, if at all possible. Wear nitrile gloves.
The rub rail around my 98 was pretty bad. I pulled the center tube out and took the belt sander to it in a few places, then I followed that with heavy cut scotch brite, then fine, then coated it with Lucas trim dressing. I can't believe how nice it turned out. I thought I might have to shell out major bucks for a new one but now this one looks perfectly presentable.
Nice work, got any before and after pics? Was it just the rubber insert that was damaged or did you treat the whole thing? I am guessing you did not take a belt sander to the screwed in rub rail while it was on the boat? If you did you have steady hands!
Last edited by s_kelley2000; 07-12-2013, 07:16 AM.
2012 Blue Metal Flake SAN 230
1999 Black and Tan Python 502 Powered Super Sport (for Sale)
mine gets marked up alot from rubbing the dock or other peoples white bumpers when tying off. I will occasionally spray some Brake Kleen on a cloth and give it a wipe down. It cleans it well.