The other weekend I went out and began some surfing and boarding and when I went to pull someone up really hard the boat felt like something was slipping. You could hear the motor rev up like normal but then the revs would jump up very high but the boat would lose speed and then it would catch back again for a second and then repeat. It did this 2-3 times until the boat was good and moving. At first, I thought it HAD to be prop cavitation so I bought a brand new 1579 prop and went out today and it did the same thing which was very disappointing. If I accelerate in increments the boat does just fine. It is only when I slam the throttle down to get someone up (but it also does it under no load). My thought was it was a slipping transmission but I started thinking about it and I don't feel any kind of grinding sensation like I think I would with a transmission going bad. I'm very lost and frustrated at this point. Any thoughts would be appreciated. Thanks.