Since the day I installed a second battery I have had constant battery issues. I have one devoted to the starter and one for the stereo and somehow when the batteries get low the engine noise bleeds through. I have a perko battery swtich (1,2,all) and the amps are connected directly from the battery NOT the switch. What I am curious about is, I just replaced both batteries with kirkland, two of them so they are the same battery. I have the positive lines going to the switch and the switch main goes to the starter. What I am curious about is how does the alternator charge the batteries? Does it charge back through the starter somehow?
I have been considering using some sort of relay -- I forget the name but it allows two batteries and will not let one bleed/discharge to the other and when one charges it switches to the other to charge. This would inhibit me from having a backup starter battery but I am all for simplifying as one member mentioned my system is totally screwed up - although it was only because I didn't connect the negative of battery two to battery one. I think there is more wrong and will have an expert look at it this year, for now I just have the embarrassing question of charging?
I have been considering using some sort of relay -- I forget the name but it allows two batteries and will not let one bleed/discharge to the other and when one charges it switches to the other to charge. This would inhibit me from having a backup starter battery but I am all for simplifying as one member mentioned my system is totally screwed up - although it was only because I didn't connect the negative of battery two to battery one. I think there is more wrong and will have an expert look at it this year, for now I just have the embarrassing question of charging?