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I have a stain that seems like blue ink on the vinyl engine cover,
tried several cleaners. Anyone have a "magic solution"
When my daughter was younger....she scribbled out some tic tac toe on the back seat of my legacy tahoe. She was old enough to know.
I was so mad at her that I told her she lost her b-day party and I was going to use the money to re-cover the seat. By the time her b-day rolled around....the stain was gone.
I would suggest you sit on it for a while and it will rub off....but that might be illegal in your state....if you're following the other thread.
Mr. Clean Magic Eraser! They're amazing for things like this, especially with vinyl's texture. Be sure to re-protect the vinyl afterwards with 303, 3M Protectant etc because the Magic Eraser will strip any previous protection off.
Mr. Clean Magic Eraser! They're amazing for things like this, especially with vinyl's texture. Be sure to re-protect the vinyl afterwards with 303, 3M Protectant etc because the Magic Eraser will strip any previous protection off.
NNNNOOOOOOO. Mr. Clean Magic Erasers are abrasives that strip off the protective layer of the vinyl. 303 will not add back the stripped protective layer manufactured into the vinyl. I used them on a prior boat and thought they worked great, until a ton of my vinyl cracked over the winter after using them. I will never use them again.
2000 SAN
1999 Air Nautique
1996 Tige Pre-2000
1989 Lowe 24' Pontoon / Johnson 100HP outboard
Yes, tried LA's totally awesome. It's so cheap at the Dollar Store (as long as you can find it) that you can't go wrong.
The other thing that seems to work for me it's just being out in the sun and using the seat. I sometimes had some small stain that literally disappeared with sun and usage. Good luck!
My daughter used a pen on the white vinyl of my first inboard when she was a child. After trying literally everything I could find I used hair spray. It worked quickly and completely removed the ink.
I had wet leaves stain my white vinyl and freaked out when I saw it. I did some searching in the forums and found one suggestion worth trying. I put the boat interior in direct sunlight for a couple hours and the stains completely disappeared. Don't know what this will all work for but should be tried first before any harsh chemicals.
I had an ink stain and tried just about everything with no success, then someone recommended acne cream...
It worked!
Worth a shot, just apply liberally and let it sit about 24 hours, then wipe off. If there is any hint of a stain left, repeat.
I hope this works for you...