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Just curious if anyone has tried an alternate rubber/plastic coating on the board racks? It might not be any cheaper than just replacing them altogether, but thought I'd ask if anyone has...
Plasti-dip is cheap. You could do your board racks for less than $10. However, I don't think it will work veyr well because of the constant friction from boards rubbing on it. I did the wheels on my pickup to see if I liked the look before powder coating them.
Yes....I have on a temporary Liquid Audio Sounds Surf/wake rack. It was given to me until I find another FCT5 Nautique Surf/Wake rack (If any one has one for sale PM me ). If you do not mask your rubber the plasti-dip will rub off onto your equipment,especially your wake surf traction pads. It is easy to remove from a hard surface but not traction pads.
This is the only shot recent shot I have of the of the top rack. You can see the shadows/marks that are on the board traction in the first picture. The second one show the texture. This was my first time using it so there may be a technique to spraying to smooth out the finish