Hi, looking for advice regarding prop pitch. I have a 2000 Supersport with the 315 horse GT40 engine. I currently have a 14" x 18" OJ mounted. There are times when we use the boat to cruise down the Cal Sag Channel towards Navy Pier here in Chicago rather than using it for water sports. Total travel time by the time we go through all the no wake zones is around 2 hours 1 way. My question is, would I decrease fuel usage by using a 14" x 20" prop instead of the 18" pitch. We would normally cruise at around 30 / 35 MPH going, and on the return, in the dark I would be going much slower. WOT throttle RPM shouldn't be an issue, and because of that I assume it would not create undue strain on the drive train. Does anyone have any practical experience with something like this ? Could you share your opinion ?