Originally posted by AndrewC View PostStill waiting in painted bits and the last ram so my over the top side came out and I made some badges at work for the setup
[ATTACH]25667[/ATTACH]2008 230 TE-ZR6
1999 Pro Air Python-sold and moved away :-(
Ok I'm probably going get a lashing from everyone again. Andrew nice work again looks really good. Think about something here. Fact is the wake on a stock LsV 23 and a stock 230 with NSS are close but the LsV is better. I just had two friends test both boats back to back and one gets his new LsV in October. The other is really close , he currently owns an older lsv. They both said the lsv you didnt have to weight one side and could just use the wake gate. Taller longer and cleaner wave just with factory weight and the gates.Before you going smashing me think about something. The NSS just sticks in the water and looks to me like it would be very disruptive to the flow of water moving down the boat. The gate deal works on both sides of the boat and looks cheap and kind half *** but water moves much cleaner off the sides.
To my point here Andrew with what you have if this deal doesn't work great you could also make a gate type tab for your trans mount and see if its different.
Ill wait for the hate mail and everyone to tell to switch forums.
I love this system so much!
Neverenough, I would have to disagree. Even though it seem like a strange way to alter the flow of water, the small perpendicular surface creates a very similar effect to the surfgate. I am not an expert in fluid dynamics but in my layman's opinion the nss creates pressure in front of the blade which then means most of the water travelling down the side of the hull takes the easy smooth path around the nss.
I think the differences in surf wake between the LSV and 230 can't just be put down to NSS or Surfgate, they are different hulls with different planing surfaces, ballast systems etc. The only way to know would be to fit both systems to the same hull.
I can't wait either. I do have some concerns though that the actuator travel is not long enough. The lenco ones are longer in the body and the travel and I thought I would not get them to fit. Turns out that they probably would have, just. They extend three quarters of an inch further. Hope fully this is not the difference between success and failure.
All would not be lost, different slider plates could be installed with ease but the additional $700 in actuators would hurt!
Only time will tell