The adhesive on the bottom of my forward bilge pump has let loose. I am not sure where I glue it down, it is hard to tell where it should be (on the stainless panel or on the fiberglass hull). Can anyone snap a photo of where the forward bilge pump is positioned from the factory.
This shows the loose bilge pump positioned on top of the belly tank empty pump.
This is where the forward bilge pump normally sits in my boat, on the stainless panel (but it is loose an can slide around). Maybe it is best to leave the forward bilge loose to give me better access to the both belly tank pumps, but I would still like to know what the factory location is.
This shows the loose bilge pump positioned on top of the belly tank empty pump.
This is where the forward bilge pump normally sits in my boat, on the stainless panel (but it is loose an can slide around). Maybe it is best to leave the forward bilge loose to give me better access to the both belly tank pumps, but I would still like to know what the factory location is.