2003 SN 5.7L PCM Excalibur sporadically dies at idle

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  • mac
    • Nov 2011
    • 3

    • Central Florida

    2003 SN 5.7L PCM Excalibur sporadically dies at idle

    Ref my ski buddy’s 2003 5.7L PCM Excalibur 330 engine, 1670 hrs,mechanical throttle linkage, normal mx accomplished annually.

    The boat is used 4-5 times a week; normally, 3 ski sets each time out. It iskept outside on a lift. The past month or so, the engine will either not startfor the first set of the day or dies while idling during the ski sets (nosputtering, just quits); does this whether the engine is hot or cold. Theengine will turn over strong, but absolutely no indication of a start. Let itsit for a while, crank it several times, then it will finally start.

    The only other problem which may or may not be related is the engine will alsogo in reduction/limp mode while pulling up a skier. We pull the throttle backto idle, pull up the skier again and it works fine. This happens maybe onceevery 2-3 weeks for past several months.

    The engine runs great except for these sporadic problems…the “die at idle”problem may happen once a week or every other day…no consistency.

    We initially thought it was the kill switch going bad; took it out and splicedthe wires together. That “cure” only lasted a few days. Next we noticed thebutterfly plate in the throttle body had some carbon build up. We sprayed itthoroughly with carb cleaner and it seemed to fix the idle/die issue for abouta week. Now we are back to the engine just sporadically quitting; again, onlyat idle. We also drained a bottle worth of fuel from the fuel canister/filter,no water.

    Appreciate any thoughts…tks, mac

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    Start with the cheap easy thing, check your cap and rotor or simply replace if it's been a while.

    If that does not do it I would test you low pressure fuel pump, that is the one mounted outside the FCC. You may just be able to put your hand on it when the problem occurs and see if it is cycling on with the ignition.

    Good Luck

